Persons Tool Kit Holder

Kevin went to the Rufforth Auto-jumble yesterday and came back with this Persons leather tool kit box. It’s a nice part that will clean up well. He certainly has some luck up there; last month he found a Bosch magneto for a 10-11 Harley and other early singles. If you can use then let me know.

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And below is the one that Jethro Smith makes; very nice for a restoration bike.


Persons seat repair

I just got this 12 single in.  The seat is torn and needs repairing.  I have a spare; exactly the same barring the name tag, so the bike will still be ride-able.  It shouldn’t take long after I get the patch sorted.


A patch cut out to support the centre and then cut to expose the diamonds down the spine.  Then glued to join the split and attach the patch, job done.